Mila Jade

PornStar Mila Jade US

Bio: Mila Jade is a drop-dead gorgeous adult star who will blow your fircking mind away! She is of Asian descent but was born and raised in Phoenix. She’s an impossible mixture of Italian, Irish and Greek, and the rest Filipina and Japanese. She has also gone by the names Kim, Kimberly Faith, and Mila, but most fans know her by the name Mila Jade. Mila has a petite sexy looking body - 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs only 101 pounds. This puts her squarely in the spinner category. She has 32A tits, a 26-inch waist, and a 30-inch ass. She is just too cute and innocent to be a pornstar but boy she is a huge star who absolutely knows how to take care of man's needs.
Paese: United States
City: Phoenix
Data di nascita: 22 April, 1993
Total video views: 6M
Content: 47

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