Mimi Allen

PornStar Mimi Allen US

Bio: Mimi Allen is a very sweet and adorable adult performer with next door girl look but the truth is she is a big slut who loves to fuck as many guys and girls as possible. Mimi was born in Miami, FL in 1989 to a traditional Puerto Rican family. Surrounded most of her childhood by hot babes in bikinis and hot studs in speedos, she could never get sex off of her filthy mind, so at age 18.5, she made a healthy decision to start shooting her first xxx scenes. She immediately blew fans from around the world away with her amazing giving head skills, especially when looking up at you with those pretty amber eyes in extremely hot POV scenes.
Paese: United States
City: Miami
Data di nascita: 12 November, 1989
Total video views: 72K
Content: 9

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