Miss Raquel

PornStar Miss Raquel US

Bio: Miss Raquel is a Latina adult star of the Dominican Republic descent. She has brown curly hair both on her head and above her vagina. She has an intense look in her brown slutty eyes, especially when she is being drilled by one or more guys. She is amazing in sucking big cocks managing to put them deep into her throat. She’s not one of these Latina girls from the US with Latina heritage, but she has mostly lived in Miami Beach, FL. At 5’9" and 149 lbs, she has an incredibly outrageous 48-inch ass, nice 36 tits, and a 28-inch waist.
Paese: United States
City: Miami
Data di nascita: 18 October, 1983
Total video views: 3M
Content: 57

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