Shizuku Natsukawa

PornStar Shizuku Natsukawa JP

Bio: Shizuku Natsukawa is a popular busty hot redhead Japanese adult performer with a sexy body who already played in over 200 movies. knows how to use that royal rump of hers to get what she wants. She could summon a cock in full bone mode just by arching forward and making it pop. She could hail a pussy in mega drip mode just by getting two thick handfuls of ass-cheek meat and spreading them apart. Shizuku has been in the top for only a short time, but she has had no trouble coming back right in among the pussy-crazed whores and guys who worship the sight, smell and taste of her inner lips and clit.
Paese: Japan
City: Tokyo
Data di nascita: 02 January, 1996
Total video views: 14K
Content: 2

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